Elected Together
Because we are all in this together!
Fair Representation
Ensuring better representation for all voters in every election.
Increasing voter engagement and participation in the democratic process.
A Ranked Choice voting system where the top two vote getters are elected.
No Wasted Votes
An Innovative Voting Solution
30 Second Pitch
30 Sec. Pitch plus Details 5 Minutes
Empowering Voters
Elected Together is a simple but revolutionary system for voting and representation whose time has come. It is a system that ensures that the vast majority of voter's voices will be heard and represented in government. Come and join us in shaping the future of democracy.

Because we are all in this together!
Elected Together
Elected Together
An election system where the vast majority of voters will be represented by their chosen candidate.

Fair Representation
Elected official split their voting power in office with one another in keeping with the percentage of votes they received. If the top candidate receives 60% of the vote they would have a voting power of 60% of two shared votes in office, and the other 40% of those shared votes.
No more Fears
Unlike Winner-takes-All elections, voters do not have to be concerned about their votes being wasted!
A New Twist on Ranked Choice Voting
Elected Together uses a Ranked Choice voting system. Yet instead of just the top vote getter being elected, the top two vote getters are elected into office.
Your Vote Does Matter
Within Elected Together gerrymandering and the fear of fraudulent voting will no longer be a major problem when it comes to our elections.
Elected Together
Empowering voters to choose their preferred candidates for representation.
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